[UNDIS] Undisputed

Pain is temporary, it my last for a minute or an hour or a day or even a year but it will subside


T10 is a must we hope to participate in clan wars asap

around a 50% win rate and above
around 1000 efficiency

For any questions or complaints contact Gseggee or Kowolski

Were the Undisputed we take the risks no one else will take we will never back down and we have many things that are uncountably the best and that you cant compete with them

Klanska statistika

Broj članova: 1

Ø Bitaka81
Ø WN8197,87
Ø Pobjede51,85%

Članovi klana

#Ime igrača30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø PobjedeBitkePosljednja bitkaPozicijaČlan od

Statistika okršaja

#Ime igrača7D Battles30D Battles

Klanska povijest

Ime igračaPromjenaDatum