It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.


We are an international clan. We wanna build a community for platoons, skirmishies and clan wars.

- 18+ years old
- 1500 wn8 overall or 1700 recent

At least one Tier VI (Chromwell, T-34-85 or Type 64), two Tier VIII (IS-3,Progetto etc.) and two Tier X (Obj.140, S. Conqueror, Obj.277, ConquerorGC).
You need to be able to participate in skirmishes at least 3 days per week.We are looking for players with social character, stats alone are not enough if you are able to play in a team.

We are using discord.

represented countries:
- United Kindom
- Germany

Klanska statistika

Broj članova: 2

Ø Bitaka193
Ø WN81665,18
Ø Pobjede57,77%

Članovi klana

Statistika okršaja


Klanska povijest

Ime igračaPromjenaDatum
bmkbdOtišao 24. 12. 2024. 21:10 UTC
ZiplobbOtišao 24. 12. 2024. 21:10 UTC