[EMPO] Empire Of SIn



Welcome! You are in page of clan „Empire Of Sin“ (Recruitment is open!)

This is international clan. To me is important positive people, friendly community, loyalty, chemistry inside of clan. We activating clan boosters, playing solo, platoons, clan activities. You playing what you want. You wont be forced to participate somewhere. First of all this is ONLY GAME. And you must have fun to play it. So play and have fun!

- Dont be an asshole
- Play what you want. You wont be forced to participate somewhere.
- Respect other players
- Play, chilling, have fun!

Requirements for new clan members:
- Tier 8 – 2000 dmg
- Tier 10 – 2700 dmg

If you do not meet the requirements but you feel that you are making progress, you know that you can be useful for the clan then write to us.

Contacts in game: Dizoros, C30C39, SB_Team, ISD

Klanska statistika

Broj članova: 94

Ø Bitaka30363
Ø WN82334,11
Ø Pobjede55,46%

Članovi klana


Klanska povijest

Ime igračaPromjenaDatum
skill4strgOtišao 08. 02. 2025. 15:15 UTC
megaaclanČlan od06. 02. 2025. 07:29 UTC
mani22Otišao 28. 01. 2025. 21:06 UTC
Falcon792Otišao 28. 01. 2025. 21:06 UTC
hateIovskiOtišao 27. 01. 2025. 21:06 UTC
Riper_warriorOtišao 26. 01. 2025. 21:10 UTC
Mahomes15Otišao 24. 01. 2025. 09:06 UTC
GRoZ_841Otišao 22. 01. 2025. 21:06 UTC
mani22Član od22. 01. 2025. 13:50 UTC
Mahomes15Član od21. 01. 2025. 17:58 UTC
Falcon792Član od20. 01. 2025. 11:27 UTC