[CRBOO] Credit Boosters

No obligations - just play randoms to get rewards


What we offer:

- One +30% credit booster every other day or so
- Bonus codes will be posted in chat as soon as they become available
- Access to the Carro 45 t marathon
- Optional platoons to speed up your Carro 45 t marathon
- No obligations (no clan wars, no tournaments, totally optional TS3)

Just keep playing randomly as usual to get the rewards :)

Klanska statistika

Broj članova: 99

Ø Bitaka26586
Ø WN81665,09
Ø Pobjede52,47%

Članovi klana


Klanska povijest

Ime igračaPromjenaDatum
BloodRegenOtišao 16. 02. 2025. 09:07 UTC