[K-O-R] Knights-of-Ren

"We test ourselves everyday to make sure that we are worthy of the mantels that we wear" - Kylo Ren


Welcome to the Knights of Ren Clan Webpage. We are a group of friends that are starting out a clan to have fun and kill red tanks. We are going to be a tier 6 clan war clan to start out with and go from there. We are currently looking for 1200 recent players with good stats in their tier 6 tanks. Exceptions can be made get with a recruiter.

If interested please contact the following in game:

thanks for looking!!!

Klanska statistika

Broj članova: 3

Ø Bitaka1223
Ø WN8628,27
Ø Pobjede47,90%

Članovi klana

Statistika okršaja


Klanska povijest

Ime igračaPromjenaDatum