[-RMR-] Armour Division

Fight together, work together, win together.


About us
- We are team focused
- We help each other (we teach what we know, and will learn what we don't).
- We are actively recruiting players that exhibit excellent teamwork for "near future" skirmishing
- We are attempting to establish 1-2 small skirmish groups consisting of no more than 10-15 players each
- We want to build a friendly rapport with our team members with minimal drama

- be on Discord
- be available 2-3 times a week
- be respectful to everyone
- be 20+ with minimal drama

- members not registering as having been active on discord may be "pruned"
- we understand that real-life takes comes first
- if you need to step away from the game for a little bit, we ask that you let an officer know so you aren't accidentally pruned (we don't require specifics!)

Klanska statistika

Broj članova: 19

Ø Bitaka28353
Ø WN8792,05
Ø Pobjede47,04%

Članovi klana


Klanska povijest

Ime igračaPromjenaDatum